Bristow Racing Stable Management
To Whom It May Concern :-
Your product - [Leather Mate] - is appreciated so much by my farm management and workers that I thought I would take a few minutes to let you know. I have over twenty horses and I use only leather halters and saddles. We have always used saddle soap & the old spit & polish method, which took a lot of time and time is money here so we are always looking for faster, better and more efficient ways to do everything. We find that [Leather Mate] does a fine job of cleaning, gives a nice shine and offers some protection from the mud and rain at the same time.
I took some to my trainers at the race track and they were very excited about it also - especially in the spring when the horses come off the training track, splattered thick with mud. So thank you for a great much needed product.
Lois Cathcast Bristow
Leather Mate was tested on a 40 year old Longhorn saddle which was recleaned using Leather Mate over the previous waxing. Results were that not only did the Leather Mate side have abetter finish, it also removed the old wax buildup in the intricate tooling.
Other tests were made on horse equipment ranging from old leather breastplates and headstalls to newer equipment that was in good condition. Results were the same. All the equipment had a much improved look, shine and finish after using Leather Mate. It was even tested on Anaconda boots that were more than 15 years old.
Leather Mate was tested and compared against Magix Reptile Cleaner and Conditioner, Esquire Reptile Cleaner, Vinyl Guard Dressing and the Tannery Leather and Vinyl Cleaner and Conditioner. We found your product to be easier to use and had better results for a finished appearance. We are pleased to say that our association is prepared to endorse “Leather Mate” as the official leather care product of the I.B.H.A. I will be forwarding a package and proposals outlining the conditions of our endorsement which we believe will be an asset to your advertising. I will also include terms of your sponsorship and our promotion of Leather Mate. We believe your product will be an asset to our membership and we in turn can be an asset to your company. You have a great product.
Yours Truly,
Richard E. Kurzeja,
Exec. Secretary
I have used Leather Mate on our leather lounges and my leather motor bike clothes have got that shine back again and it has got the entire dirt off them and the bugs. Yours, Ian Russel Hodgson J.P.