Letters, Testimonials & Endorsements
"I have been using Urad - black - regularly for the past nine years: started out getting it at the Toronto Boat Show, then, after moving to Barrie, continued getting it at the Highway 400 Market (weekends) in Innisfil. Just moved to Georgetown - and need to replenish.
"Haven't used shoe polish ever since I tried Urad in 1996. Still using the original sponge (they last forever!) and latex gloves, which also get washed and reused (they last for 10-15 applications before they need replacing). You might call me a committed user!"
- Charles Dayfoot, Georgetown, Canada - 2005
"I had no success removing grass stains from my runners, nothing worked until Leather Mate was demonstrated to me. I was so impressed I bought a tub. Once I started cleaning it was so easy I got carried away and cleaned everything I could find. It really breathed life in to my older handbags and my son's well-worn school shoes."
- J. Sekhon - Doncaster, Victoria - August 2003
"This product is excellent. I've had several people ask, 'What do I use on my western boots because the boots always look great' I noticed the shoe-shine man at the Northlands Racetrack in Edmonton looking at my boots. Then one day he asked me "what product do you use on those boots?" I told him it was called URAD, leather cream. I feel it was worth every cent I paid.
"Congrats! I intend to buy more when my container gets low. I would recommend your product highly to anyone, it lasts a long time also."
- Don Kay - Alberta, Canada
"I was in Montreal Canada last winter and had been walking the shopping district of St-Catherine St. This was after a large snow storm. There at the Bay Shopping store was a Urad sales rep using the Urad leather protector to remove salt stains and waterproofing shoppers boots and shoes.
"I allowed this sales rep to do my boots and I was amazed at the look of the boots afterwards. They seemed like new again and after walking in the slush and salt again, they stayed looking good and dry.
"I bought a jar and now use it on my motorcycle boots. Anytime I get caught in the rain my boots never leak. Even after being out in a heavy rain storm for eight hours, the boots stayed dry during the motorcycle tour. I think this is a great product and would recommend it to any persons that spend many hours outside in the elements with rain and snow."
- Terrance Murphy
"I have used your products on my cowboy boots and other leather goods for the past year. Your products are truly outstanding."
- James Parenti
"My children go to a private school and have to have well-polished school shoes. It used to be a nightmare because if they polished their own shoes they'd ruin clothing, furniture, carpets and get polish all over the house. It meant that I had to do all the shoes, and frankly, it was an awful job I just didn't have time for. Now they're able to just quickly wipe Leather Mate over their shoes as we're zipping out the door in the morning. They can polish their own shoes without creating a mess, their expensive uniforms aren't being damaged by polish stains, and their shoes not only look good but don't seem to get the same sort of scuff damage they used to.
"I've thrown out all my other leather care products. They were difficult, messy and unpleasant to use so I never quite got around to using them. The first time I used Leather Mate I was so pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to use that I went crazy and used it on absolutely everything. I did all our bags, briefcases, wallets, purses, the dashboard in the car, our leather couch, and the shoes of anyone who happened to come into our house. Unlike the other products I used to have gathering dust, I actually use Leather Mate all the time because it's so quick and easy."
- N.C - Adelaide, Australia - 2003

Our order arrived yesterday. Tonight I got a chance to use it. WOW!! I did our two over stuffed chairs, ottomans, couch and love seat. Used the Burgundy color and guess what the dogs scratches have disappeared. Everything looks like it's brand new. can't wait to try the neutral on something.. Thanks for your help and great product.
- Ron Meyer - Nov 2006
"I love your product!!! ... I got fabulous results and knew I was doing something wonderful for my tufted leather ottoman in the den and a leather covered dresser in the bedroom. These are two fine pieces of furniture and I trusted their care to your product without question."
- Mary A. Rick

"I have just tried the Leather Mate on my 1985 Bentley Muslanne Turo and my Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit 1985 which has black and cream leather and it is very hard to keep the shine on the seating due to the use of the car for weddings and the U.V. with the car in the sun most of the time in the summer.
"I have used Leather Mate on our leather lounges, and my leather motor bike clothes have got that shine back again and it has got the entire dirt off them and the bugs."
- Ian Russel Hodgson J.P. - Ian & Glennis Weddings, Sydney, Australia, August 2003
"Used the Neutral on my Black lazy-boy it brought back the shine and the leather looks like new. ... Then used it on to the Audi and my truck's leather seats. Guess what it works on tan and gray also. This is definetly the best leather care product I have ever used. Thanks."
- Ron Meyer - Nov 2006

"I found out about this product through the chromeheads web site. It was the discovery of the year. I placed my order and received a phone call from the owner. He advised me on a different product that would be more suited to my needs. I wanted to try the product so I accepted his recommendation.
"I own a 1998 R1200 C Ivory with blue trim (leather) seat and hard bags (BMW stox) the seat was so bad, the only option was to replace or re-upholster. So far I've used a cleaner/shampoo once along with a thin coat of Leather Mate cream polish and 'voila' it's almost like new. The same procedure was used on the bags and the same results appeared. ...
"I recommend this product to anyone who is considering replacing or re-upholstering. Try it, you'll like it."
- Thanks, Roland Duval
"I think I've found the best: Urad. I have used Lexol for years. For the first year I also used lexol on my Cruiser's leather. However, now I use Urad on my riding boots and BMW Cruiser leather jacket and pants. The stuff is awesome. "Applied as directed it cleans, moisturizes, and imparts a shine that is better than new. It has even restored the areas of the seat that were starting to look worn. I'd put my seat and saddle bags, with 18,000 miles of wear up against any new seat and bags on a showroom floor.
"Yep, I'm sold! Urad is not cheap, but I believe it is the best stuff out there."
- Steve Whittenton (Posted on BMW R1200 family of motorcycles product review forum at: http://www.chromeheads.org/discus/messages/9/948.html?)
"I got some of that Doc Bailey's at the motorcycle show here in December. It gives a good black look but I don't think it lasts as long or absorbs as well as the stuff I used before, called "Leather Mate" and made in Italy. I got some at the motorcycle show about 6 years ago and like it so much I have ordered more off the internet several times. I use it on purses, boots, belts, anything black. The Doc Bailey's tended to rub off on my clothes, even when rubbed in well and allowed to dry. The Leather Mate doesnt do that. Leather Mate comes in black for when you want to re-black your leather, and also neutral, for when you just want to condition it, or if you have other colors of leather to put it on.
"There are some fake Leather Mates on the market...be sure you get the one manufactured by URAD..by the way, their website lists many testimonials from motorcycle and equestrian users.
(from: http://www.vroc.org/forums/index.php)
- www.vroc.org website member, Federal Way, Washington - 9 Sept 2006
"Peter and I ended up at a gun show today with a few of our friends. I ended up getting three new bandanas (great for keeping my hair back in the garage) and a little tub of Leather Mate leather conditioner/waterproofer.
"I put the Leather Mate on my (non-riding) leather jacket and riding boots earlier today and it looks and feels great. It's really easy to use--just put a small amount on a sponge (included) and wipe over clean leather. It's a bit tacky at first, but dries within a couple of minutes. It brings out a nice shine, hides scuffs, softens the leather, waterproofs...practically does the dishes and laundry, too. I got the 'neutral' color, which is more or less clear, so it works on any color leather."
- http://bluepoof.blogs.com/motorcycle/2004/01/leather_mate.html
"...I bought a jar and now use it on my motorcycle boots. Anytime I get caught in the rain my boots never leak. Even after being out in a heavy rain storm for eight hours, the boots stayed dry during the motorcycle tour. I think this is a great product and would recommend it to any persons that spend many hours outside in the elements with rain and snow."
- Terrance Murphy

"I am in charge of locker room services at a large private golf and country club in the Greenville SC area.
"We recently hosted a buy.com Pro/Am Golf tournament and I was in charge of locker room services and shoe care. I had two helpers. There is no way that we could have kept up with the volume of shoe shines we had if it had not been for Leather Mate products. They are simple and fast to apply.
"Not only were we able to keep up with the volume (about 100 pair a day), we also got many compliments from the Pro Golfers like 'great job', 'best shoe shines on our tour', 'these really look great', and 'most places we go they really pack on the polish and they look really bad but these look like they are new shoes again'.
"Needless to say we ended up the week with some really nice tips because we used Leather Mate products."
- Locker Room Manager - Private Golf & Country Club, Greenville, NC

(The bulk of the following testimonials were located on other sites on the internet)
"You may be interested to know that Urad is very much favoured by the side-saddle fraternity in Great Britain. Our saddles are, in the main, very old and as you can imagine it is very difficult to keep the leather supple and in good condition. I have restored four very sorry looking saddles to near show condition using Leather Mate Shoe and Leather Cleaner. For regular maintenance it is so much easier and less messy than leather oil. Incidentally, my side-saddles date one from the 1890s, two from the 1920s and one was made in 1909!"
- Henriett Chew
"I bought the 7oz Leather Mate cream from you at a horse show last year. Sure enough it seems to work perfectly on all types of leather. Frankly I don't understand how it seems to match all colours and hold up well on my boots. Anyway I need more...!"
- Ed Roberts
"I bought a jar of Leather Mate cream at the National Finals Rodeo after the gentleman used it on my boots. My husband refurbishes old saddles and ran off with the can as soon as we got home from Las Vegas. Those old, abused saddles come out so beautiful that even our saddle maker friend was impressed! I've just reordered an extra jar for him!"
- Michele Fernandez
"I wouldn't have bought a jar of Leather Mate thinking it was way too expensive and wouldn't go far enough but it only takes a tiny bit and is well worth every penny. I have been telling all of my barrel racing friends."
- Brenda Murrell
"Leather Mate by Urad is a product I simply will not ever be without. Last weekend we cleaned our saddles, bridles and riding boots with it. I used an old toothbrush in the cracks and crevices on the saddle. They looked so great on the horses. Amazing product! And it was so fast and easy."
- Judith New
"I love your product!!! My saddles and other tack never looked better since the day they were new. I have gotten many of my riding friends to use your product too - They love it! My mom loves the product for her shoes and purses. I got fabulous results and knew I was doing something wonderful for my tufted leather ottoman in the den and a leather covered dresser in the bedroom. These are two fine pieces of furniture and I trusted their care to your product without question."
- Mary A. Rick
"We love Leather Mate. We had a saddle that was 45 years old and looked like hell and within a half hour it looked almost new. My husband has been one of your best testimonial people, he tells everyone about his boots and how nice they shine. Thank you!"
- Adela Ray
"This product is truly amazing. I can't believe it is not more well known. It can make an old saddle look brand new."
- Tim Murphy
"I use the neutral Leather Mate on my show tack for an amazing shine, and frankly it is the best tack product I have ever used."
- Gemma Brookes, Adelaide, Australia
"I bought this a while ago and just used it on all my horse leather. Both my bridle and saddle look new. I LOVE IT! You may absolutely use my statement. I took all my tack out to the barn and everyone marvelled at it. Now they all want to try it. They couldn't believe how great it all looked. I promised them that when I got my new jar I would allow them to try a little but then they will just have to buy their own jar because I want it all for my selfish little self."
- Beverly
